Good news dudes, the DRM Away Day is confirmed on the 20th August 2006.
Everyone's invited and you may bring along your mother, father, brother, sister, wife, kids, girlfriend, boyfriend, cat, pet- monkey and whoever else you feel like!
There will be music, fun and games for all!
All you gotta do is let us know you're coming, and as nothing comes for free, we're looking at a small contribution per person to cover expenses.
Leave your name in the comments box if you're coming. And pass your contribution to the Footy Gaffa or DRM Golf admin anytime convenient for you.
pet-monkey? it has a name you know,ada orang tersindir ni....
haha well bring it along anyways!
Me, my wife & 2 kids.
ok cool .. so far we have abt 13 +ve responses .. hoping for abit more than that
Me & pet too & my car for offroading & my semut, nyamuk & banyak lagi binatangku dalam ketalah...
The pet monkey's owner is getting married on that day, so i'll pass
Eh boring eh...habis keraja ku sudah...nyaman lagi hari ani mun beulit tidur...*sigh*
Invitation has been converyed to of our PetroleumBRUNEI colleagues and confirmation of names by 14th August 2006. I am also sharing our website with few selected PB staff. Is this ok?
Sorry for the typo mistake ; -) kinda of in a rush.
no problemo kezmano. welcome onboard!
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