The boys in DRM Sydney were entered in their first official 5-aside tournament over the weekend, playing in the EVERY NATION WORLD CUP in Coral Sea Park, Maroubra (which i assume is some place in Sydney!) I'll probably be getting one of the boys to let us know how they fared in their tournament debut! Looking at the picture above, i can only say how relieved i am that they also have female friend(s) and it is hoped they shall be spared from this disease that has unfortunately plagued some of our better known players! *coughVince&AmirScough*
Check out the DRM Sydney link if you haven't already!
DRM vs Denmark: 0-3 (sigh... hehe)
DRM vs Malaysian Stoners: 0-0
best player for DRM: YAZIDy 'the WALL'!! best gila~ 5 point blank saves!some reflex man~!
ermm gambar durang ani kan main bola kah behapa?? hehe
congrats! seri sama malaysia
Go go brunei team...i think padangnya kali ada problem...heee
cool.... looks like we got a potential replacement for Yusra Buffon!
Waw..congratz. Go go DRM. Belasah jan nda belasah. Or kana belasah hehe
Kurang asam ko ren..what disease will that be? C vincent tu saja haha.
Eh kamu dua ani arah chat pun berargue, inda cukupkah di rumah atu...heee
yazid will play as keeper as long as:
a) The grass at box is long and comfortable to slide/dive in.
b) We're using those keeper mats for indoor football.
Oher than that its gonna be:
"Malas ku eh!!" or "Aku sibuk ni, malas ku, sakit ah!"
eh is he looking for a nice soft pretty bed of flowers to sleep or does he want to play football like a man?
but then the pitch at BSRC is not like some of the padangs here in Brunei where there's barely any grass. heheh
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